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Making a hiatus hernia negligence claim

We take a look at the circumstances in which hiatus hernia negligence can arise.

A hiatus hernia (sometimes known as a hiatal hernia) occurs when the upper part of your stomach bulges through the muscle separating your abdomen and diaphragm.

A small hiatus hernia is not generally problematic for the patient and any symptoms can be alleviated by medication a large hiatus hernia may require surgery.


As with any condition that is serious enough to warrant surgery, there is a risk of medical negligence occurring.

Hiatus hernia negligence could arise as a result of a failure to diagnose the problem. Delayed diagnosis is not uncommon with hernias and this can impact the patient not only by prolonging their suffering, but also prejudicing their prospects of making a full recovery.

Problems can also arise during surgery. One particular risk is that of an accidental perforation of the stomach or bowel while carrying out the hiatal hernia repair. Any perforation should be corrected during surgery, but they can be missed, leading to the patient suffering further unpleasant symptoms and ultimately requiring further surgery. In some cases their health can be worsened by serious infection and even sepsis, which can be fatal.

If you have suffered hiatus hernia negligence then you may be entitled to compensation. Our team of specialist lawyers will be happy to review your case free of charge and if we believe that you have a meritorious claim then we will deal with it on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We are experienced in dealing with hernia negligence claim. Lawyer Oliver Thorne represented the claimant in a hernia case that attracted national headlines. We have also dealt with numerous claims involving surgical mesh which is used in the repair of hernias.

Find out where you stand by giving us a call on 0333 888 0412 or email us at [email protected]

hiatus hernia negligence