- Making a medical negligence claim: What happens before you begin legal proceedings? What is the medical negligence process before commencing legal action? Many people are surprised to learn that…
- We specialise in dealing with breast implant claims and have helped hundreds of women recover compensation. We were one of the leading UK firms involved in recovering compensation for…
- What is anesthetic medical negligence? Anesthetic medical negligence arises when there is a failure by an anesthetist (or another healthcare provider) to meet the required standard of care when…
- Making scapular medical negligence claim. Scapular fractures are notorious for being one of the most difficult injuries to spot on radiographs due to bodily structures that obstruct the view.…
- We are frequently asked, "How much can I claim for the loss of a testicle due to medical negligence?" Specialist lawyer Oliver Thorne offers expert guidance. The basic award…
- Claiming joint replacement surgery compensation To find out if you can claim joint replacement surgery compensation, contact our helpline for a free case assessment. Call 0333 888 0412 or…
- Specialist No Win - No Fee medical accident solicitors operating nationwide throughout England and Wales We are specialist No Win - No Fee medical accident solicitors. We offer a…
- Making a medical negligence compensation claim for late diagnosis of ovarian cancer Our team of specialist lawyers can offer guidance on making a medical negligence compensation claim for the…
- Making a perineal tear compensation claim Can I sue for a perineal tear? Find out by contacting our free medical negligence helpline on 0333 888 0412 for a free…