
Making a brain tumour negligence claim

As March is Brain Tumour Awareness Month, we look at brain tumour negligence claims.

Types of brain tumour:

There are two main types of brain tumour:

  • Non-cancerous (benign) – These are slow-growing brain tumours, and it is less likely that you would need to return after receiving treatment.
  • Cancerous (malignant) – These have either started in the brain or spread into the brain and are more likely to grow back after treatment.


  • Headaches
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Difficulty thinking, speaking or finding words
  • Personality or behavior changes
  • Weakness, numbness or paralysis in one part or one side of the body
  • Loss of balance, dizziness or unsteadiness
  • Loss of hearing
  • Vision changes
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Memory loss

Brain tumours can affect people of any age, including children.

Treatment for brain tumours

Treatment for a brain tumour will depend on the type of tumour, where it is located and how abnormal the cells are. Treatments include;

  • Steroids
  • Radiotherapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Surgery
  • Medicines to relieve symptoms.

Surgery is typically performed to remove the tumour. However, complete removal may not always be possible, and chemotherapy may be used as an alternative treatment.

Brain tumour negligence claims

When it comes to being diagnosed with a brain tumour, especially if it is cancerous, time crucial. Patients need to receive a diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible. Unfortunately, there are instances where medical professionals fail to investigate a patient’s symptoms, resulting in a delayed or missed diagnosis.

When a patient’s condition is made worse by a medical mistake then they may be eligible to make a brain tumour negligence claim to recover compensation. Our specialist solicitors will be happy to provide a free case assessment and consider the availability of No Win, No Fee funding.

Call us on freephone 0333 888 0412 or send an email to [email protected]

Brain tumour negligence