
March is brain injury awareness month

As it is brain injury awareness month we look at this very common and often extremely serious type of injury. If you need expert guidance on brain injury due to medical negligence, or details of no win, no fee funding, then contact our free legal helpline.
Annually, there are 900,000 A&E attendances and 160,000 admissions to hospital with head injuries in the UK alone. There are an estimated 1.3 million people living with disabilities as a consequence of the brain injury they have suffered.  

There are two types of brain injuries, affecting both children and Adults:

Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

An ABI is any type of non-traumatic brain injury arising from by internal factors such as a stroke, an aneurism, a tumour or an infectious disease.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

TBIs are caused by sudden external forces to the head, which cause disruption to the normal functioning of the brain. Road accidents are one of the most common causes of a TBI.

When someone has a TBI, it is important to establish how severe the head injury is, so that the correct medical treatment can be provided. Brain injuries are often categorised as mild, moderate and severe.

Mild Brain Injury

This can occur after a brief period of unconsciousness or feeling sick/dizzy from banging your head.

Moderate Brain Injury

This is defined as a loss of consciousness for between 15 minutes and 6 hours, or a period of post-traumatic amnesia for up to 24 hours. If a patient is found to have suffered this type of injury, they are most likely to be kept in the hospital overnight for observation and then discharged if there are no further obvious medical injuries.

Severe Brain Injury

This is defined as being a condition where the patient has been in an unconscious state for 6 hours or more, or a post-traumatic amnesia of 24 hours. Typically, patients are likely to be hospitalized and receive rehabilitation.

Brain injury due to medical negligence

A brain injury can be caused by a medical negligence

Our medical negligence solicitors deal with cases brought against the NHS and have helped to settle many cases. And because they work on a No Win, No Fee basis, you do not need to allow worries about legal costs to put you off seeking justice.

So, for further guidance on brain injury due to medical negligence and No Win, No Fee funding, call us on freephone 0333 888 0412  or email details of your case to us in complete confidence at [email protected]


Brain injury awareness month